A Peep into the Traditional India Culture of Sustainability

Our country is in the middle of a colossal process of development where we are innovating and at the same time rebuilding the old. While we are witnessing such a massive transformation, we must adopt a sustainable approach towards future growth.

In our country sustainability is not a new idea because our ancestors lived by the principle of sustainability. It was not because of poverty or lack of education; it was because of an innate sense of conserving the resources. Putting things to their best possible use and not replacing things too soon requires intelligence and patience.

Following are some common sustainable practices from traditional India

Zero waste plates

Originally Indians used organic cutlery like banana leaves or Pattal made from dry leaves. This was used more often in community functions where they served more people. Today it appears more as a different and attractive style of plating but in whole of Kerala, banana leaves still form a part of the basic house utensils and cutlery. How about giving this simple sustainable practice a try?

Longer lifecycle of clothes

How can one extend the lifecycle of clothes? By repairing and repurposing it. Old sarees were also used to stitch smaller cloth to wrap a new born. It was believed that the fabric has gone softer because of continuous use and the child will be very comfortable, cuddled in the same. Our grandmothers used to make beautiful quilts, doormats and hand bags from old or damaged clothes. They never discarded worn out clothes. It requires simple imagination to reconsider outright discarding of old clothes and putting them to alternate use.

Water in earthen pots

In an Indian household drinking water is stored in earthen pots. Do you know it has a scientific reason to it? The walls of an earthen pot are highly porous which leads to continuous evaporation of water that in turn absorbs the heat from the remaining water as well. As a result, the remaining water is cool round the year.

In our traditional culture there were ways and means to establish a deeper connection between us and the only planet we call our home – Mother Earth.

To read more on Indian companies that develop sustainable solutions visit the link below


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