Inhale and Exhale – An Easy Way to Lead You Out of Difficult Situations

I practice yoga every day. Saurabh Bhotra, the co-founder of Habuild, said in one of his sessions – “Your breath is the bridge between the outer world and the inner world.”

I tried following it, and yes, it works miraculously.

Whenever –

– You are overwhelmed due to work

– You are in a space of stress

– You have met with an untoward incident or

– You are facing a life-and-death situation

Your mind is in complete chaos, and you want to grab, hold on, hoping that someone will help.

But the current world scenario is such that everyone has some s–t to handle.

In such difficult situations that are common, bring the control back into life by breathing deeply.

Inhale and exhale. What does it do?

– It energizes your weary soul and tired mind

– It distracts you from emotions like anger and remorse, considered normal on rough days

– It keeps you from futile discussions that provide temporary relief

– It restores faith in the future

Let us delve into a little bit of science.

According to the Yale School of Medicine, our body has a vagus nerve that starts from the base of our brain and reaches the other organs.

In stress situations, this nerve gets activated reflexively, which increases our blood flow and prepares our body for quick protective action. It triggers the fight-or-flight response.

However, scientific observation of the diaphragm proves that the vagus nerve can be reset by deep breathing.

Slow, even breaths that originate deep within the abdomen stimulate the vagus nerve in a way that signals safety and cues our bodies and minds to relax, restore, and release chronic patterns.

I did not wish to give a lengthy post/article on managing stress.

This simple practice makes you powerful enough to deal with difficult situations.

The above works best for me, but I would love to know how you manage.

Please post it in the comments and add value to the idea.

P.S. – The mention of science reinstates the logic behind the practice.

Amazing How We Learn From the Wrong People!

Ashish was firm and serious about life, and Shiamak was an experimentalist and fun-loving. Both were part of the same team for an upcoming project. They did not like each other’s ways and often detested and made fun behind the back. After the initial resistance settled down, they started working together.

Shiamak disliked Ashish’s formal ways, and Ashish often struggled to keep up with Shiamak’s sudden revelations on the project. Their language and conduct were opposite, and each held oneself in high regard. Every team member felt skewed towards the style that suited them, thus polarizing the team.

The friction was high, but under the mask of team management, the team leader continued to pacify. He explained to Ashish and Shiamak that people skills are a critical appraisal parameter.

As they argued and adapted, little did they realize that they were learning in the process.

Ashish learned

  • It is good to explore ideas
  • Taking a break improves work quality and
  • People like Shiamak are not as bad!

Shiamak learned

  • Focused working leads to better execution
  • Cutting distractions improves work quality and
  • People like Ashish are also good!

What kept them from this wisdom?

What held them back?

A mind that stereotypes. It is the most lethal, and it obstructs one’s way to learning and gaining wisdom.

What is true wisdom?

True wisdom lies in accepting each other’s ways, not wanting them to change.

Act in the Present Moment to Make Your Dreams Come True

On tough days, my Mom had a standard advice – “Don’t overthink about the future. Think about what you can do today.”

I used to snap back saying, “It is easier for you to suggest. Do you know blah blah blah……”

Today as I am a year short of turning 40, I have realised that moving to the present moment is the ONLY way.


Listen to him talking about the ideal technique to accomplish your dreams.(Oops it matches what my mom said 🙂 )

Believe it or not, being in the present moment is the most difficult skill to master.

Dreams should be a source of enthusiasm and hope, not frustration and despair.

Do not be miserable chasing a mirage, work on the present, and you will be all right!

Choices Translate into Consequences

When you choose the benefits of an action, 

you also choose the drawbacks.

Life offers nothing in absolute. There always lies a trade-off. The direct form of a trade-off is time – which means if you are engaged in task A, you cannot attend to task B at the same time with the same efficiency.


So, if you have done exceptional in task A, task B must not have been on par. For instance, if I am cooking while answering emails, either the dish will not turn out the best or the emails might be less perfect with language, tone, or idea.


A counter concept is – ‘Done is better than perfect’


This reinstates that only you know the difference between how well you could have done and what you actually did. To the outside world both the tasks that you took up together, seem to be perfect.


Why don’t we create awareness around us where at least we know the process?


Often, we get into autopilot mode and multitask or work mindlessly, even when there is no need. This is specifically observed in the fast-paced culture of big cities. The bandwagon effect leads you to hurry through tasks for no reason. 


You don’t take the chance to experience the peace and pleasure from living your to-do list meticulously and methodically.


Our ancestors led an uncertain life, but today technology and infrastructure have made our lives organized imparting a high degree of certainty to our day. Despite that, there is an increase in situations where people undertake a task half-heartedly or distracted and somehow manage to tick it off their list.


Why the hustle?


Yes, the corporate scenario is tough and you have lots up your sleeves. But what about low-pressure chores? Even if they form a minuscule 10% of your day, choose to get absorbed in them completely while doing them.


Let us build consciousness around how well we do a task rather than focusing completely on the result. Let us be aware of the energy we bring to a task because ultimately the aura differentiates one from the other




You are Enough!!!

On the days you feel you are not enough

You hustle, you sigh, you huff and puff

You fail to understand where did you lack

You want your energy, your time back


The point where you stand, you don’t wish to explain

No more reasoning, arguments, and pain

Tired of thinking of alternate ways of handling

On the verge of giving up, no more hinging


You want to let loose, forget everything that is

You want a new way to address all that’s amiss

You ponder, you think, you try to concentrate

You mend, you speak, you hold, and liberate


On days like these, pause and look back

You will understand how well you have filled the lack

You showed terrific endurance in pain

You will recollect how well you managed and explained


Tell yourself, never think of losing it all

For the sake of the times when you rose from a fall

Close your eyes and take a deep breathe

Be mindful of your words and thoughts underneath


You have come so far, you have been so good

Make yourself understand, feel understood

You will always be enough, however, be the day

Because a single day never defines a long way