Universe and its ways

Universe and its ways

The Universe is magnificent

With multiple elements at play

We need to live a life that is mold able like soft clay

We think, we decide but something else is in store

We need to pause and accept, not expect more

Through words and thoughts we attract what we want

But that is only natural, no way can we daunt

Miracles happen and make us feel uncommon

They happen not by chance, but when a pure heart summons.

      Moving ahead with plans is the ideal way

     But when Universe thinks alternate we seldom have a say……

‘Me time’

‘Me Time’

The title itself brings peace to me. Me time is essentially the time that you spend nurturing yourself. We willingly or unwillingly are entangled with people all the time both known and unknown. When not people it is profession or responsibilities. Amidst all that is outside if we could go inwards towards our self-soul for a while it is ‘me time’. Through this blog I wish to put across simple means by which one can bask in the warmth of self.


We were always asked in school and later what are your hobbies? To me hobbies are mindless undemanding activities which leave you refreshed at the end like painting, singing, dancing, coloring, and many more. A fancier term is passion but the moment it is passion it demands efforts. Up to you, but engaging in your hobby is one of the most interesting ways.

Workout and meditation

To many this means a slimming routine – but largely it is for the overall wellbeing. Workout in any form and meditation in any way, when done with complete involvement turns into me time. Looking at it as a compulsory task in a day, leaves you feeling bound.

Lone outings

For people who have the luxury (by luxury I mean support from loved ones, not resources) you can plan a solo trip to some city somewhere. Unornamented ways could be exhibitions or places in your town where you spend some time observing alone. Mumbai is blessed with multiple spots like Hanging Gardens, Sea faces, Mount Mary Church, Hare Ram Hare Krishna Temple…..This would also include movies and plays, in fact there you don’t even need company. Even easier is having your cup of coffee in a nearby cafeteria alone. You must be wondering that all these places are usually crowded? But the idea is you are not in company of someone you know, freeing your mind to just be.

Cook for self

Stomach and mind have a strong connection. Your mind feels happy when you have something that you like and exactly as you want it to taste. Cooking is one mundane chore, which if done with involvement turns into fruitful time spent. Those who stay independent should occasionally chuck the convenience routine and take time off to cook something exotic. Those who stay in family should take time off to cook a small portion only for self.

Create yourself a corner at home

Every house has an aura. Different rooms with different essentials. You can actually create a corner for yourself where you put up quotes, photos, wallpapers, cutouts or showpieces that you believe in. Once you are in that space you unconsciously transcend inwards. For some it can be a French window with their favorite plants, for some it could be a wall with a parchment stating quotes by Buddha, for some it could simply be their bedroom that has display items of their choice……..the crux is things that you believe in

Once we connect with self, we connect better with others too. This write up is so that people stop craving for something not within their reach to access self. In reality me time is the easiest to find as it depends on how you prioritize, the most certain as it requires only your participation and the most fulfilling.

The soul that feeds you as long as you breathe, if provided with attention and care, will feed you better. Gradually it becomes a way of life.

You can always add more ways in which one can spend some time with self in the comments section…..

Wise and Otherwise – By Sudha Murthy

Wise and Otherwise by Sudha Murthy is a collection of interesting anecdotes each with profound life lessons. It is a personal account of the author herself while she travelled through our country – The Great India – A land of values and disparities. The title captures the contrast too – with two opposite words – Wise and Otherwise!!

There are many people about whom she has written in her book – a thoughtful old village man, a secretary, a nurse, a bridegroom, a sales manager, a local vendor. All of them have crossed her path as a part of her social work (which she carries out through her company Infosys Foundation) or coincidentally. What is beautiful is the chord that she could strike with each person/character and situation!! The way, in which she has put the commonness in perspective, leaves the readers with a message at the end of every story.

All the stories are relatable and on some random day, the message might directly apply to you while you are at home or in office. The titles of each story are intelligently worded, because at the end of every story I went back to the title to correlate and find the essence. A few interesting ones are –  ‘Salaam Namaste’, ‘The IT Divide’, ‘Bonded by Bisleri’….

Quite a few narratives have a predictable and dramatic end as if straight from Bollywood, and many others have a surprising turn towards the conclusion. This book is good for some casual mindful reading. The language is simple and the length of the anecdotes is short, so one can easily flip a few pages while waiting in traffic. The cover page carries a line ‘A Salute to life’ – it indeed is through its realness and plainness.

I would like to call it India’s ‘Chicken Soup’……



My toddler was excited for his annual day

I dropped him backstage, he wanted me to stay

The stage was all set, with effects and light

The sound was energetic, the LED was bright

His class entered and they all looked alike

I was at a distance, trying to take a strike

Tiny little bundles of joy wanting to do their best

Spotting the child on stage was a tough test

Then I saw a boy, turning the way he turns

He shouted Mumma, he took a quick spurn

I immediately recognized the apple of my eye

He rehearsed naughtily and was feeling shy

In such big an auditorium seated in the balcony

I had no confusion, about where was my honey bunny

That’s when I wondered how I took such less time

After all it is motherhood warm and sublime….

Yuvi and Mumma

The tight bun

She had a firm face, and a fierce voice

Her conversations held, an unreal poise

I met her randomly once in a few days

She seemed to live her life strictly her way

She was a mother too, quite older than me

Always no nonsensical, no time to see

She dressed so typical, hair tied in a bun

Behind her back, I admit I made fun

A smile on her face came like in a leap year

I wondered has this lady overcome every fear

One day I came to know she is set to take a leave

It’s her daughter’s marriage; she is got too much up her sleeves

The very next day, as I took a coffee break

I saw her dreaming, though her eyes were awake

I don’t know what got to me, I ended up asking her

Is everything ok? You look lost and blurred

She took a deep sigh, and unknowingly replied

My daughter will go away; I will have no one by my side

She said she feared how she will spend her days alone

I was surprised as if I have seen a talking stone

I struggled to get words, as she shared more

She had an irresponsible husband, eyes were about to pour

Though awkward I assured her it will phase out

She said, I know dear but still I have my doubts

Anyways she said; please don’t let this entire spill

I promised her will not gossip and stayed still

She got up to move, her aura spreading around me

She was bearing so much, so she had no time to see

She had a hidden story, a story that’s not bare

I wondered, does everyone have a similar story to share?

Kun FayaKun says Tathastu

I was never acquainted with Sufism as a culture – for the first time I heard ‘Sufism’ in context of music. I got curious about the meaning of the word Sufi; It correlates to Safi meaning Pure. What is pure? That which is not maligned! That which outshines the surrounding darkness..

What bought me face to face with Sufi music was the song Kun Faya Kun from the Bollywood movie Rockstar starring Ranbir Kapoor. I did not understand the lyrics and the intricate music notes but my soul connected instantly.

8 years have passed since this song was released and I seemed to have developed a special bond with it. Whenever I am left to myself, a part of me hums this song. This is why I thought of writing an article ‘Kun Faya says Tathastu’ – as a tribute to this fantastic creation of A.R Rahman.

Talking a little about A.R Rahman, it is difficult to describe his nocturnal approach and originality in work in bare words. An article published in Verve magazine came in way and I found it defines his persona aptly. In the story the music maestro has said

“Your heart and mind need to be free. And you need to work towards greatness. That happens when you feel that you have to do something amazing. And despite striving for greater heights, as a person, you try to be as humble as possible…..”

This statement sums up what A.R Rahman is, in absolute – no filters. A composer par excellence and I am lucky to be able to connect to one of his masterpieces ‘Kun Faya Kun’

Kun Fayakun comes from Arabic words “Kun” which means “to be” or “to exist” and “Fayakun” which means “it is” .So its literal meaning is “Be, and it is“. The song glorifies the power of manifestation. The creator wishes “Be!!” and whatever he wishes comes into being. I would extend it to the mortals like you and me too. If we wish with virtuousness it does come true.

Image courtesy: creativeunited

Tathastu in Sanskrit means, “Aisa hi ho/ So be it” or “Aivmastu.”  The Sanskrit word emanates power of self – the power to create. Yes, both Kun Fayakun and Tathastu are the dominions of God (omnipresent but never seen), but time and again we feel like we can also create and attract what we imagine. A classic correlation – Kun Fayakun says Tathastu, which reiterates Allah and Ram are one, Jesus and Raheem are same.

Now, coming back to the beauty of this composition, it unshackles the listener from grudges and disappointments. The following words from the song mean “Free me from myself”

O mujhpe karam sarkar tera
Araz tujhe, karde mujhe, mujhse hi riha
Ab mujhko bhi ho, deedaar mera
Karde mujhe, mujhse hi riha
Mujhse hi rihaaaaaaaa

In less than 2 minutes the song places so much positivity in complete surrender to our deeds whether good or bad and guides us to move forward for good.

Man ke mere yeh bharam Kacche mere yeh karam Leke chale hain Kahan Main toh jaanu hi naa

A salute to Mr. Irshad Kamil, the lyricist of this song, I wonder what was his source of enlightenment, that helped him weave something so abstract and make it so visible. A rare combination of words (lyrics as we call it) that helps you traverse into the realm of self- acceptance.

The soul is all pervading and transcendental – the following lines encourage one to welcome what others think and do, we come to appreciate the differences..

Woh Jo Mujh Mein Samaya
Woh Jo Tujh Mein Samaya
Maula Wahi Wahi Maaya

I am sure there is still a lot to this song which I have not absorbed. Leaving it at the note of infinity…..