Importance and Easy Ways for Building Acceptance

Acceptance is a nature, a habit. The way we develop good habits like, eating healthy, sleeping well, and exercising we need to build acceptance. Acceptance is a powerful state which releases energy blocked in the following –

  • Complaints and resentment
  • Continuous hoping for things to be different and
  • Anxiety about the future

These habits drain us of vital energy, and we keep shouldering our responsibilities unenthusiastically. We feel less accomplished despite giving all that we had. But the truth is a large share of our zest for life is consumed by non-acceptance

Social media plays a crucial role in enhancing the state of non-acceptance because we forget that no one is posting their failures. Travel, fashion, family, art, and everything else intimidate and make us dislike our current state.

Developing acceptance is a conscious process that requires time. One factor that gets in our way is that we equate acceptance with surrender. We feel that this habit makes us vulnerable, so we lash back with full strength, only to give in once again because everything in our lives is meant to be just the way it is!

Why is it important to develop acceptance?

Following are some reasons why developing acceptance is important

  • You feel enthusiastic because you accept that you have to work.
  • You are less irritable as there is minimal to zero internal resistance
  • You celebrate the success and achievements of others
  • You direct your energies towards being and not simply doing

The crux is that acceptance brings back the lost joy in our lives. The lingering uneasiness about the past and the future ceases to exist, and we become one with the present, an empowering and powerful state.

How do you develop acceptance?

Developing acceptance is not complicated because it is our true nature. The Universe is designed based on the principles of acceptance, and we are a part of it. Other living beings never question their state or situation and continue to grow.

It is important to uphold our values and beliefs, but unchecked non-acceptance often transforms into a big ego. It is exhausting to fight the world but equally effortless to do all that is in our control with complete acceptance.

Following are some ways to develop acceptance –

  • Understand that it is not a subdued and vulnerable state and consider it the starting point of change.
  • Don’t stick to the perfect solutions and accept that you may need to think and act alternatively
  • Stop looking at any situation as permanent, and know that it is a phase which will pass.
  • Be proud of how far you have come. Change self-pity into self-respect
  • Learn to let go and move on. Acceptance demands complete attention, and we cannot afford to hold on to grudges.
  • Be grateful for what you have so that you can use it to accomplish more.

Acceptance opens the mind to new solutions and helps keep peace inside and outside. Be it macro issues like wars, or micro issues like work pressure, all stem from non-acceptance of the current situation.

Let me end the article on a positive note, requesting you to accept at least one thing that you otherwise resent.

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