How to Make Your Work Speak

Do you feel that you don’t get the credit that you deserve?

Living out of a state of constant regret is not a good thing. The feeling is depressing, and it keeps pulling you down.

You may be thinking – “I know that. But what can I do? Every time I can’t keep mentioning what I did for the project. It is for the others to understand.”

I agree that keeping your work ‘high-key’ is not a good approach either.

While this an intense topic, here are a few things you can do to handle this issue –

  • In project meetings, share your views with confidence. It indirectly implies that you have done your homework.

  • You can try giving a brief overview to your senior (in case he does not know) of your contribution. Remember, it is professional, not impolite.

  •  If you are working on a particular part of the project, try to see it through to completion. Even if you require technical assistance, ensure that the final result is as planned, which means you have done your job thoroughly.

  • Do not discuss it bitterly with colleagues and family. Remember, it never helps and only increases the resentment.

  • Do not keep feeding the feeling. The more you think about it, the more vulnerable you become. It assumes its worst form when you fail to distinguish between real and imaginary. You feel ignored and unnoticed every time, even if the reality is different.

The feeling of being unnoticed is a highly internalized emotion that acts as a slow poison and empties you from the inside.

It is wise to accept the situation and take the above steps to improve the situation. It is also a good idea to shift focus on areas where you excel.

As you transcend from acceptance to improvement, be calm. Haphazard efforts will create chaos and make you look like some desperate attention seeker.

Always keep in mind – Let your work speak!

A Simple Effective Way to Deal with Delays

Punctuality is not about being on time but about respecting your commitments 🕒

Punctuality is not for others; it is for you.

How do you deal with a situation where you are punctual but others are not?

A natural response is irritation because you feel like a fool as you scheduled and planned your exit to arrive on time, and it was not a coincidence.

Here is how you can deal with it 👇

– Do not spoil your temperament (remember you made it on time 👏 )

– Communicate to others that you do not appreciate delays

– And move on without carrying baggage

The longer you keep the thought in your head, the longer you will take to start functioning optimally.

In moments like these, remind yourself that the purpose of the meeting is higher than these petty issues.

Punctuality is the key to dependability, and it hurts when others fail to show up, but you have no control over it.

You may get confused and lower your time standards, but it will leave you feeling worse because it is not your inherent nature.

Take pride in your habit and stick to it, no matter what, but don’t let the habit change you into an ever-irritable, complaining person.

Another important thing is that the world learns enough by example, so don’t waste your time preaching punctuality. 

Easy Way to Get Started With Self-Improvement for Real Growth

How can I achieve unthinkable success?

Become addicted to constant and never-ending self-improvement.

If you look at the lives of veteran actors, successful professionals, renowned athletes, and respected creators, they have one thing in common – a burning desire to improvise. Their fame is in the public eye, but the gruelling hours spent on skill enhancement are not visible even to their immediate family.

You may think, “I have a long working day, and many things are lying unattended due to lack of time. Where is the room for self-improvement?”

👆 is a faulty thinking pattern.

Following are the 3 simple steps to get started –

Step 1

Create an intent – “I want to improve and do better than yesterday.”

Step 2

Make a list of areas for improvement in your personal and professional life.

Step 3

An important step is to set marginal goals. For example –

– I will jog for 5 extra minutes.

– I will help a colleague if need be

– I will smile a little more

– I will read 3 pages of the new book

– I will spend 15 minutes upgrading my skills

And the list goes on…

Initially, you may be unable to allot even 10 minutes for the tasks, but gradually you develop a habit. Marginal goals support your endeavour of self-improvement as they demand marginal time.

Your goals are enough to motivate you, and in a few months, you will achieve tremendous progress. Once you accomplish the small targets, you naturally expand and raise the bar higher.

You experience a shift in your thought process, and you start creating room for self-improvement.

The process of self-improvement is divine as it makes you feel closer to the source of all creation.

The Universe aligns to help the one seeking improvement, and the best part is you cease to look for external acknowledgement.

For genuine content that has the power to uplift, please get in touch at [email protected]. My niche is wellbeing and sustainable living, but my skills in research and language make me adept at taking up content projects across sectors.

Share your thoughts on self-improvement and the methods you follow in the comments.

Remember, engagement makes an idea meaningful, making it viral and thus benefitting many!!!

One Important Thing to Learn From the Paris Olympic Athletes

Consistency is the buzzword at the Paris Olympics 2024. Every athlete from anywhere in the world owes their success to the persistent hours when, they practised alone, with no one to watch, acknowledge, or support.

Just like the athletes, each one of us has a dream to be an improved person—we seek improvement in terms of health, knowledge, emotional intelligence, skill set, and other attributes.

Reading, meditating, learning, and similar self-development activities feature in almost every person’s to-do list, but you seldom put a tick beside them.

You realize that these activities are non-urgent but important.

And due to procrastination, lethargy, distractions, and busyness, you fail to devote time to them.

After a few months, you stop trying to pursue, and after a few years, you give up completely, and they don’t show in your to-do anymore.

But imagine the situation where you would have worked on those tasks!

You would have been a different person today!

By working consistently on self-growth, you become a different person. You acquire a personality where you are more confident and accomplished.

How do you move from giving up to taking up self-growth tasks?

Here is a 7-step method –

1. Set small goals daily

2. Fight hard against your moods, and make sure to start

3. Once you have started, ensure you spend minimal focused time on the task

4. Before you end, compare how you fared as against yesterday

5. If you were on par, be happy that you maintained the level

6. If you were better, feel proud of the progress

7. If you were poor, try giving some more time, such that you match the previous level

The last point looks senselessly pushy but makes all the difference.

You have to tell your mind that you are not engaging in its stupid games, and you will continue to pursue come what may.

You have to show your mind that you are stronger than it.

Soon, you train your mind, and it stops tampering and interfering, and that’s when you share your stories of consistency with others, just like the Olympic athletes.